In term of economics, I have heard in Indonesia that flying drones are not commonly charged for single farmers as most of them have only have small area of land. However, some have thought to work with farmer groups, local agricultural departments or government pest surveyor institutions.
For its effectiveness, drone sprayers have showed some effectiveness against FAW using chlorantraniliprole, while I have not heard or read for monitoring.
I would be more than glad to hear if others have other information.
In SA, drone are not realy effective, due to its licensing process
In term of economics, I have heard in Indonesia that flying drones are not commonly charged for single farmers as most of them have only have small area of land. However, some have thought to work with farmer groups, local agricultural departments or government pest surveyor institutions.
For its effectiveness, drone sprayers have showed some effectiveness against FAW using chlorantraniliprole, while I have not heard or read for monitoring.
I would be more than glad to hear if others have other information.