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Research Conference on Developing Smallholder Oriented IPM Strategies for Fall Armyworm (August)

Bringing together the best emerging research on FAW management, focusing on the invaded range, to help develop IPM strategies is the purpose of this online two-day conference to be held this August (24-25th).

The event is being organised by CIFOR-ICRAF, FAO Southern Africa Regional Office, and the ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat (Grow Asia) and hosted by the Department of Agricultural Research, Malawi. The conference is supported through a grant from NORAD.

Topics covered include a range of biocontrol approaches, plant breeding, monitoring, action thresholds and decision support for IPM, as well as barriers to IPM adoption.

Organiser Rhett D. Harrison (CIFOR-ICRAF) encourages all researchers and practitioners, including government and development NGOs, who are involved in research or practical implementation of IPM for FAW management to join the session. "Don't be shy to share your work. We want to have a good mixture of presentations from established researchers and early-career scientists. We also encourage presentations from practitioners, especially on topics such as extension."

Interested researchers and practitioners can submit proposals to present in one of the 40 oral presentations opportunities and any number of posters. "The posters, in particular, would be a good way to present 'work in progress' or smaller studies, such as student work," adds Rhett.


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