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FAW & IPM Action Plan


The ASEAN Fall Armyworm (FAW) & Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Action Plan Innovation and Knowledge Hub is a meeting place for all those people who want to effectively control FAW across Southeast Asia and build more resilient and sustainable farming systems within the region based on IPM approaches.

Latest Blog

What is Fall Armyworm?

The Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) was first reported in Southeast Asia in late 2018 in Thailand and Myanmar. It has since rapidly spread, and its presence is now confirmed across the region. The pest, which feeds on more than 350 plant species, can cause major damage, particularly to maize crops.


FAW crop damage and associated livelihood impacts present a serious issue for regional food security and the sustainable livelihoods of millions of smallholder farmers, now further amplified by the negative impacts on agricultural supply chains from Covid-19. Conservative estimates using 10% crop damage across ASEAN maize crops indicate an annual US$884 million cost, both in lost farmer income and as buyers are forced to import maize.


Now it is endemic in the region, management will need to be focused on control rather than eradication.



Click for further advice. (Scout for damage on the leaf as well as for FAW)



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Click for further advice.

Assess Damage

Assess Damage

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Manage (IPM)

Manage (IPM)

Click for further advice


Our latest newsletter can be found HERE by clicking on the image.

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Let's connect
Want to share your work on FAW with us? Need more information on how you can be involved in improving IPM across Southeast Asia?

Lead Partners of the ASEAN FAW Action Plan 


The ASEAN FAW Action Plan acknowledges the generous support of our Lead Partners who are taking a major role in supporting the implementation of the Action Plan towards improved integrated pest management practices and effective control of Fall Armyworm across Southeast Asia.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia
 Foundation Partner 
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam
ASEAN Secretariat 
Taskforce Coordination 
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 
Host of the Secretariat

We would like to thank Croplife Asia for its generous support towards developing this communication portal.

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