Explore reports, publications, training materials, and links to other related work here. If you have a resource you would like to share on this page please contact us.
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Publications

Evaluation of the Establishment of a Southeast Asian Agricultural Drones and Data Academy
August 2022

FAW Guidance, Manuals, and Identification Resources
Comprehensive Guide on FAW management using an IPM approach by USAID & CIMMYT, CGIAR MAIZE Program
FAO and CABI Fall Armyworm Field Handbook: Identification and Management. It is aims to help extension workers and farmers in the field to identify FAW and know how to manage it.

The Fall Armyworm Continuity Plan is an Australian Grains Research Development Corporation investment and provides extensive information on FAW identification and management for the
grain industry.
The CABI-FAO Community-Based Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) Monitoring, Early Warning and Management Training of Trainers Manual
FAW – life cycle and damage to maize leaflet
Comprehensive guide on FAW management using an IPM approach by USAID & CIMMYT, CGIAR MAIZE Program
FAO Global Action for FAW Control
FAO Guidance Note 8 on Global Action on FAW Control
Resources, guidance notes and videos on the FAO Global Action Website
Potential biopesticides for the management of fall army worm in Africa
Monitoring, Migration & Surveillance
Title: Searchlight trapping reveals seasonal cross-ocean migration of fall armyworm over the South China Sea
Authors: Xian-yong ZHOU, Qiu-lin WU, Hui-ru JIA, Kong-ming WU
Journal: Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Volume 20, Issue 3, 2021
Title: Spread of invasive migratory pest Spodoptera frugiperda and management practices throughout China
Authors: Yan ZHOU, Qiu-lin WU, Hao-wen ZHANG, Kong-ming WU
Journal: Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2021
Pesticide Management
Title: Fall armyworm invasion heightens pesticide expenditure among Chinese smallholder farmers
Authors: Xianming Yang, Kris A.G. Wyckhuys, Xiangping Jia, Fengying Nie, Kongming Wu,
Journal: Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 282, 2021
Resistance Management Guidelines
IRAC Poster on FAW damage symptoms and strategies for sustainable control, with resistance management guidance.
IRAC Guidance on IPM: 3 Steps handout with clear information on how to delay resistance by applying different MoAs against sequential pest generations
Videos from CropLife International and the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) that explain IRM and MoA in languages: English, Bahasa (Indonesian), Khmer, Mandarin, Tagalog (Philippines), Thai, Vietnamese

CABI Poster on how to manage FAW