Regional Resistance Management Plan
Farmers across Southeast Asia need access to all the tools in the IPM toolbox to successfully combat FAW.
Project Description
Preventing or mitigating the onset of resistance in FAW populations to control measures, especially synthetic pesticides and Bt transgenes, is one of the critical aspects of the ASEAN FAW Action Plan. This includes understanding FAW population dynamics and resistance profiles across the region.
A regional approach is necessary as no country alone can effectively manage the evolution of resistance to currently used chemistries in ASEAN countries, given the transboundary nature of the pest and its ability to move rapidly over significant distances. A good strategy applied in one country will be ineffective if resistance emerges in neighbouring countries and so the need for a regional approach.
Any resistance management strategy needs well-coordinated multi-stakeholder action underpinned by transparent science-based approaches. A strong regulatory environment is critical to support the implementation of appropriate and timely actions at the farm, national and regional levels.
This project has three main components:
Regional FAW surveillance and resistance monitoring​
Country-specific and regional FAW resistance management​
Integrating host plant resistance with other compatible IPM tactics for sustainable FAW control across Southeast Asia​
Regional Resistance Management
Webinar: Regional Resistance Management Workshop
This seminar discusses resistance management as a vital concern in controlling fall armyworms in ASEAN. The exciting line-up of speakers included:
Dr Andi Trisyono from Universitas Gadjah Mada: The role of host plant resistance in managing resistance and enhancing the resilience of ASEAN maize crops (02:55)
Dr B. M. Prasanna from Global Maize Program: Host plant resistance (06:52)
Dr Srinivas Parimi from IRAC ASIA: Good practice and current management strategies (38:50)
Dr Tek Tay from CSIRO: Resistance research in Southeast Asia and Australia (01:04:40)
Dr Silvana Paula from the University of Florida: Experience in the US in managing FAW resistance - tactics, challenges, and opportunities (01:24:15)
Dr Kongming Wu : Resistance research in China (01:49:10)
SAWBO-produced video on how to identify and scout FAW
We will be adding to this section shortly. If you have recent publications you would like to share please send them to us.
Further Resources
Workshop on Regional Resistance Plan
This workshop discussed the importance of regionally coordinated resistance management planning and provided a background on work planned and the latest research from experts in the team working on the project. A PDF of the presentations can be found here.